International Payments & Receipts

Trade anywhere, anytime…

Our global payment solutions enable you to efficiently and securely send and receive payments globally. Though our online platform you can book currency, and make global payments in under 2 minutes.

Trade Anywhere

You can transfer money internationally in over 140 currencies to trade where you need to.
Our extensive partnerships with tier 1 banks mean you also have access to many emerging market currencies. See below our capabilities map for more details.


Drive business efficiencies by speeding up and automating your payment process, bulk pay your suppliers through our multi-payment capability, and have confidence that your payments are sent through the fastest and most economical routes with our global payment service


We make money transfers and payments easy for you with the option to manage your account online, over the phone or by email. When you book a trade, you know upfront exactly how much you need to pay with no surprise fees.

AdvancedFX payment & collection capabilities

Get In Touch

Online, by email or direct to your dedicated dealer, to get a quote

Trade Booked

Once you’ve confirmed you are happy with the quote, we’ll book the trade for you

Trade Confirmation

We will send you a transaction receipt to confirm the payment details. You can also view all your receipts online.

Send Funds

We’ll provide you with the details and reference number to send funds to us for your payment

Release Payment

We’ll send the payment through our secure network to your beneficiary on date requested.

Payment Receipt

The payment is sent and you and your beneficiary will get a payment receipt to confirm the transaction is completed

Get in contact
Want to know more about AdvancedFX or any of services, then get in touch
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